Automatic writing
Gosh, how embarassing. I got a new computer some time ago and thought that i had forgotten the password here ... a convenient excuse not to write for a couple of months. But to my surprise, got in here at the first attempt.
I guess mine was the nerdy version of walking on hot coals ... you think you cannot do it but actually you not only can but it is much easier than you expected. Maybe i should try red-hot coals next.
Today should be the rainiest day for 50 years, apparently...
Gosh, I am out of form in blogging. It must be one of those days -you know you have those days you are maybe a bit absentminded, forgetful, let's face it ... not feeling very clever. Often that is after a ... jolly night in the pub. In my case, maybe it is a bit too much working recently. Boring - and it is reflected here.
The funny thing is that during these four months i have had some decent ideas to write about (at least better than this!) but now ... well, i pretend there is so much to write about that actually it is better not to write anything as it would be unfair to those other things that i would not write about.
Let's consider this as an attempt at automatic writing. You know, the thing where people claim a divine intervention makes their pen fly like a ... diving eagle? ... in pursuit of making philosophical, if not literary, excellence flow freely.
Only in this case it is the keyboard that is suffering from my speedwriting exercise.
That stalled now ... my channel upwards seems to have been blocked ... well, as i said, today was predicted to be the rainiest day for 50 years.
That, if something, sounds like a divine intervention to me.
First Andy Murray was punished with a wrist injury (no writing for him for a while i guess), and now Tiger Tim must be restlessly waiting to be unleashed in front of the eyes of erm, suspecting SW17 public. Merciful rain, after all?