Erm, breaking the silence after 'breaking the long silence'
What else can you say after such a long silence ... after a long silence?
Well, many things i suppose as i haven't written here for quite a while.
First, happy 2007! (it is still January, after all)
My excuse is that i have been editing other people's texts quite a lot recently. This is the dilemma, i think. Using your energy to trying to clarify what someone has said in often [hopefully] beautifully constructed manner (not least thanks to "ink stop" number two, the offline subeditor) in excactly 87 characters - or 57, or whichever space you are given. That is yourspace.
It is a bit like going to a quiz show every night, i suppose. Filling the empty space as effectively as possible, as impressively as you can in the space provided, using every time a bit differently shaped news items. And really, using your brain in trivia sort of way. Something is often not investigated (12) but probed (6). The fewer points, the better. Here, it is January sales. 50% off!
Selecting "something interesting" for the readers. Sometimes the best advice is also the simplest [thanks Richard]. Obviously considering that you keep up to date what is considered "interesting".
There are now intoxicating doses of celebrity administered, no glitter and glory, nor - if it all goes pearshaped - too much gore either, i suppose. No fear to get jaded (sorry) in that certain way. Really, the best you can do is to act as an oil of the highest quality, worthy of Formula One. To lubricate the engine to run smoothly.
I suppose it is fair to say that everyone of us likes to think we have something worthy enough of our own to say. If you are a former spin doctor, it is not much of a twist to become a columnist.If you are a former scientist, it can take more to become a journalist. A bit ironic. As you should search for the truth.
But being boring is not an option. That is the tricky bit. How much can you assume the educated reader to know already? Not to say pike is a fish (which probably about 60% of people aged over 12 know) anyway.
Who is your reader?
Are they or are they or are they or are they or are they an intriguing combination of everything? (most likely)
These days that is not too far from being the holy grail. Class A, B, C readers. How big is your wallet?
Doing the night quiz 50/50 at two different locations makes you think. Strange things.
Laters. Hopefully sooners.