Finnishman in London

"Time will tell if the focus will narrow in the course of time." Ha ha ha ... I let this act as a preable to the rather free-style writings in this blog. Mostly casual observations in real life and media, some sports, even self-ridiculing attempts at poetry;)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Long silence broken, because of the eternal ...

Today began grimly. A school friend, now a policeman, shot someone dead, . Admittedly, it was a dream. Usually see a nightmare once a year, this was second night running.

Which enables a jump to the murder of the "Finnish John Lennon". Well, he drank too much, did not die at the hands of a maniac, was ill for the last 20 years or so, but did die yesterday. And it is an honourable death for a top musician. He wrote a song about dipsomania, too.

Especially about Andy McCoy, a distinguished member of the Hanoi Rocks. He did not climb to a coconut tree as did Mick Jagger but fell of a balcony already some years ago (I'm not claiming he would be in the same category music-wise but in the, erm, backstage scene he might be able to hold his own). Anyway, I know the Hanoi Rocks is/was famous in Japan as an ex-girlfriend was a great fan of Michael Monroe, another member of the band.

Especially if you are the greatest. People who know me would not necessarily consider me as a great music fan. Well, here we go.

Juice Leskinen was not the eight greatest Finn as was Lennon a Brit, he was number 38. But to get that high being so much of an anti-establishment person is quite remarkable in Finland, believe me.

He was a musician, a poet, a novelist. The greatest person using the language, in my opinion. One of those people who just by writing in the language revives it at the same time, makes you realise its possibilities. And making it as evasive topic for me as any to write about in English.

But trust me. Juice Leskinen is a true great and will live on, even though he only wrote in a language spoken by fewer people than there live in London.

In his memory (cannot do in English i'am afraid, not skilful enough in the language. If i could ever be ...)

Mittaamatomilla turuilla (Beyond Narnia/Whitehall/Rowan Williams/Reason [you get the message - the alike in Finnish!])

Maailman turuilla

Ikävillä, ajatuksilla, suruisilla

Sanat ei riitä, yritystä on

Pääse siihe en mikä muistosi on

Se on tavaton

Sillä luuloni ovat joskus suuret

Uurteet kasvoilla, elämän ahoilla

Ehkä tahoilla oikeilla

Ei nähdä mitä teit

Mutta parempaa on se kuin norjalainen sei

Roskaa ei

Kuten tämä täyttyi


Friday, November 24, 2006


Spying for mother Russia, being the unwitting Rasputin, or similar.

But why is a Russian spy dying in London bigger news than over 150 people in Iraq?

Real politik. Real politics.

It is more comfortable, and most importantly, more accommodating, to observe unwelcome foreign influences in your country, even if directed at foreign citizens of the same country.

After all, the UK intervention. Yes, over there. Has cost so many lives. Even if the intentions were good, it is Absolutely clear that the execution(s )can be described as nothing but shambles.

Oh yeah. Maybe Channel4 was not too wrong?

I am ashamed I have voted for Tony Blair.