Finnishman in London

"Time will tell if the focus will narrow in the course of time." Ha ha ha ... I let this act as a preable to the rather free-style writings in this blog. Mostly casual observations in real life and media, some sports, even self-ridiculing attempts at poetry;)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

How embarrassing ...

Correction: In the recent Poem: Vandraren a line suggests that Aki Riihilahti might French kiss Ian (the manager) and his team mates.

My intention was to imply their possible willingness to embrace each other, maybe (who knows!) tho kiss each other on the cheek if he indeed went to Paris.

I did not intend to say, he might do what Wikipedia (this time more trustworthy than me) describes as follows:

... "While family members may sometimes kiss on the lips, a tongue kiss almost always indicates a romantic or sexual relationship. French kissing stimulates the lips, tongue and mouth, which are all areas very sensitive to touch. It is considered by many to be both very pleasurable and highly intimate. " ...

In essence, I confused French kiss and kiss on the cheek.

I realised this horrifying mistake while watching TV last night.

I will attempt to exercise greater care in the future, even when writing fictional entries. (Not that there would be anything wrong with willing male participants engaging in French kissing with each other. I just think that this might not be the case regarding the individuals implied in the poem)



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